Fat Chuck's Revenge Trail

A little RHR history


Trail Boss

9/4/20242 min read

Back in the days of yore, when Rocky Hill was just getting started, there were only a couple of ways to get from the parking lot to the first rest stop at the top of the hill in order to access the rest of the trail system. Following the fence line from the Saloon, past what became the Campground and up a sketchy Jeep road was the shortest distance.

Most folks regretted this choice almost immediately, as it was one steep hill after another and was more a test of resolve and character than it was anything remotely considered fun by any stretch of the imagination. Yet, people would come back time and again to try to conquer Fat Chuck's Revenge by making it all the way without stopping, putting a foot down, or otherwise succumbing to this tortuous ascent.

At some point a mock headstone was placed at the top marking "Here Lies Fat Chuck" so you knew you had reached the end of the climbing. That marker still exists on the right as Grey's Highway flattens out before reaching Crossroads.

Historical Note: Fat Chuck was a real person who helped Grey Hill with the initial layout of the riding area.

As more trails were built to spread the pain of Fat Chuck's Revenge out over a longer distance Fat Chuck's fell into disuse, became overgrown, and sections were eventually incorporated into Corkscrew and Grey's Highway service road.

During the makeover of RHR, in a fit of insanity some might call a sadistic moment, the beginning of Fat Chuck's was cleared of brush and a new sign was erected, indicating where to go right, off of Grey's Way (take a right at the T on the trail around the campground) so that anyone wishing to suffer the first climb of Fat Chuck's Revenge could still go away with bragging rights, if they managed to make it without dabbing, or giving up entirely.

Feel free to punish yourself if you want a challenge. Take the right at the T, climb the rooty bit, crest a hill, then, as you are picking up speed rolling down Grey's Way look for Fat Chuck's Revenge on the right. If you find yourself where Grey's Way ties back into Holden's way you missed Fat Chuck's Revenge. Just turn around and go back. You'll find it.

If you choose to continue on Fat Chuck's beyond the first climb you will enter Corkscrew about half way through. So, I'd recommend turning around and coming back down Fat Chuck's Revenge, taking a right on Grey's Way to rejoin the loop. Clearly, if you went up Fat Chuck's Revenge you are into abuse and wouldn't want to skip any of the other trails.

Should you want to experience the full effect you can follow along the Jeep road, staying parallel to the fence line on your right. It will enter Grey's Highway (the access road) and after a couple more hills will eventually reach Fat Chuck's headstone and shortly afterward the Crossroads Rest Stop to complete the full length of Fat Chuck's Revenge.

Take a moment at this point and put the lung you have likely coughed up back in place before continuing your ride.

Happy Trails